Saturday, January 25, 2003

I just had a genius thought again. There is lots of coffee in Brazil. That is a proven fact. But is it a proven fact that coffee affects Brazil's pop culture in any way? Check it out. When you think about Brazilian culture what do you think of? Crazy ladies in colourful frilly dresses screaming arrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiibahhhhhhhhhh at the top of their lungs and Mardi Gras-type festivals all the time. Think about all the craziness that is going on in South America right now. General strikes that never seem to end? Perhaps because they have an unlimited access to coffee in Venezuala. Maybe I shouldn't lump these countries together but my naive Canadian intellect allows me to. If anyone speaks Spanish and wants to prove me wrong, go ahead.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

I don't know why I forget everything all the time. Perhaps my longstanding drug habits may be to blame. I forget something almost every day and then I have to ask Brian to email me my assignments, lecture notes etc. etc. to me in the middle of the day so that I can print them out before I have a class. I just hate forgetting shit. For example, right now I am one hour early for my class. Why did I come to school at this time? I don't know, I forgot. What time do I have to go to class again? Oh yeah, 9:30.... I forgot. Why don't you have your assignment with you Louise? I don't know, I forgot. You know that journalism assignments get zeroes if they are late even a minute don't you? Yes, yes, I do, I forgot. Goddamn.

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Alright, I'm having weird experiences on the bus lately. There was this guy that got onto the bus and sat beside me this morning. He had two packages that he was carrying. They were wrapped in garbage bags and then taped with masking tape and there was a big black arrow in marker pointing up on the side. These packages looked just like the cocaine bundles you see on movies and tv and everything and the guy that was carrying them was dressed COMPLETELY in black black pants, shoes, shirt, leather jacket, and even a scarf, all black, except for one gold earring. He looked like stereotypical drug dealer. He was acting pretty normal at first but then he kept switching seats and twitching his legs about nervously. I began to wonder if he really did have a WHOLE SHITLOAD of drugs in those packages. Eventually it was just me and him a couple of other people left on the bus. He started mumbling and mouthing words to himself and looked like he needed a hit of something. One question popped into my head. If you are SO nervous about carrying around a SHITLOAD of drugs, WHY do you make them look like stereotypical drug packages???? Just bring a backpack or something. Goddamn.

Monday, January 13, 2003

Today I was on the bus and there was a large black woman sitting on a seat that was supposed to have two people on it. It was rush hour so there were some people standing all squished together, but there was only one spot left on the bus. It was the seat beside this woman. She was wearing a fur coat and it was spread out all over the other seat and no one dared ask her to move it so they could sit there. I don't have any time for people that wear fur so I politely asked her to move it aside. She did and it was all fine and good.

Until I got home. I was listening to the news on the radio and there was a feature about Mamie Till Mobley, the civil rights leader that died today. Bob Dylan wrote a song about her son that was beaten to death by some white assholes in Mississippi 50 years ago. His face was so badly beaten that his own mother didn't even recognize him when his body was found in the Tallahatchie river. And when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus in Montgomery Alabama in 1955, she said that it was Mobley's son that was on her mind at the time.

Then it dawned on me, maybe white people feel so bad about that crap in the fifties that they won't even ask a lady on the bus to move her coat so that they can sit beside her. The world sucks.